Friday, March 23, 2012

Nobody Did It

"Hey guys! Who got out the dress up stuff?"

Johnathan - "I didn't! I think it was Julia."

Julia - "No I didn't. It was Katie!"

Katie - "Noooo, I did't"

 "Alright. Well, since "nobody" got out the dress up stuff, then "nobody" needs to clean it up because you guys can't watch TV until it's picked up."

I knew this would happen one day. Nobody showed up. And, it's always in the moment when a person of authority wants to know the truth and nobody want to own up to the part that they played.

Nobody wants to responsible.

You know how it all began, in the garden, when Adam pointed the first finger and Eve followed up with her own, while the snake just sat there, according to scripture, absolutely quiet. Maybe he knew there was nothing he could say. Or, maybe he was sitting in complete satisfaction, knowing that the blame game would never end as long people didn't want to be held responsible.

Nobody did it. Yet, everyone hands are bloody. And, we are still pointing fingers.

. . . until, Somebody, entered the scene. God, in His amazing mercy, sent Somebody to end the blame game. He chose to take on the blame and the shame and point to Himself. He became sin even though He had never experienced what it could do to His heart and Mind and Soul. And, He did this to bring you and me back into God's presence, clean and whole, no longer pointing fingers but taking on the God-given responsibility that had been ours in the first place: Oneness with God and man and Oneness with creation.

. . . Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Are you ready to stop pointing fingers? Are you willing to own up to the part that you have played? Would you love to experience a oneness with God? Jesus is that somebody that became the nobody. He has already done the work. Will you accept it? And, if Christ is already yours, are you ready to bring the kingdom to this earth?

Let's be the Somebody that Jesus has already shown how to be.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13 

And, to let you know, the dress up stuff was picked up. The evidence is right in the living room: All three kids in one space, enjoying some TV time, no longer pointing fingers.